
Igor Stokfiszewski

[English version below]

Badacz, uczestnik i inicjator działań z zakresu teatru społecznego, teatru wspólnoty i sztuki zaanga­żowanej, aktywista, współkurator działań artystyczno-społecznych w przestrzeniach poprzemysłowych warszawskiej dzielnicy Ursus. Był członkiem zespołu 7. Biennale Sztuki Współczesnej w Berlinie (2012). Autor książki „Zwrot polityczny” (2009). Współredaktor między innymi tomów „Built the City: Perspectives on Commons and Culture” (2015), „Jerzy Grotowski. Teksty zebrane” (2012), „Kultura i rozwój. Analizy, rekomendacje, studia przypadków” (2016) oraz ebooka „Culture and Development: Beyond Neoliberal Reason” (2017). Członek zespołu „Krytyki Politycznej”, rady organizacji European Alternatives i założonego przez Yanisa Varoufakisa ruchu spo­łecznego DiEM25, działacz związku zawodowego Inicjatywa Pracownicza. Wykłada w Instytucie Studiów Zaawansowanych w Warszawie oraz w Laboratorium Nowych Praktyk Teatralnych Uniwersytetu SWPS.

A researcher, a member and an initiator of actions within the social theatre, community theatre and the involved arts, an activist, co-curator of artistic and social activities in post-industrial spaces of Warsaw district, Ursus. He was a team member of the 7th Biennale of Contemporary Arts in Berlin (2012). The author of „Political Turn” (2009). A co-editor of, among others, the volumes of „Built the City: Perspectives on Commons and Culture” (2015), „Jerzy Grotowski. Collected Works” (2012), „Culture and Development. Analyses, Recommendations, Case Studies” (2016) and an e-book: „Culture and Development: Beyond Neoliberal Reason” (2017). The Member of the „Krytyka Polityczna” team, the council of the European Alternatives organization and the DiEM25 social movement founded by Yanis Varoufakis, an activist of the „Inicjatywa Pracownicza” trade union. He is a lecturer in the Institute of Advanced Studies in Warsaw and in the Laboratory of New Theatrical Practices of the SWPS University.

Igor Stokfiszewski – cultural researcher, participant and initiator of activities in the field of social theatre, community theatre and involved art. He cooperated, among others with Łaźnia Nowa Theatre (Krakow), Workcentre of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards (Pontedera, Italy), the Rimini Protokoll German collective and with such artists as Artur Żmijewski, Paweł Althamer and Jaśmina Wójcik. As a playwright, he produced theatrical performances directed by Wojtek Klemm, Agnieszka Olsten and Bartosz Szydłowski, among others, at the National Old Theatre in Krakow, the Studio Theatre in Warsaw and the Contemporary Theatre in Wroclaw. Co-curator of artistic and social activities in post-industrial spaces of The Plants. Ursus 2014 and Ursus – a walk in time (2015), co-author of the script of the creative documentary directed by Jaśmina Wójcik Symphony of the Ursus Factory (2018). He was a member of the 7th Biennale of Contemporary Art in Berlin (2012). Author of a book Political Turn (2009), editor of an e-book Culture and Development: Beyond Neoliberal Reason (2017), co-editor of, among others, Culture and Development. Analyses, Recommendations, Case Studies (2016), Built the City: Perspectives on Commons and Culture (2015) and Jerzy Grotowski. Collected. (2012). A member of the Krytyka Polityczna team and the board of the European Alternatives organisation. He lectures at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Warsaw run by Krytyka Polityczna.