
dr Kamil Kuzko

[English version below]

Kamil Kuzko ur. w Lublinie w 1981 r. Dyplom z malarstwa w 2008 r. na Wydziale
Artystycznym UMCS w Lublinie. Doktorat na Wydziale Malarstwa ASP w Krakowie w 2012 gdzie obecnie pracuje na stanowisku adiunkta. Członek ZPAP okręgu krakowskiego. Uprawia malarstwo, rysunek i malarstwo ścienne. Mieszka i pracuje w Krakowie.

Kamil Kuzko was born in 1981 in Lublin, Poland. He completed his studies at the Faculty of Arts of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Master's degree in painting in 2008) and Jan Matejko Fine Arts Academy in Kraków (Doctoral degree in 2012), where he is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Painting. Since 2012, member of ZPAP Oddział Kraków (Union of
Polish Artists and Designers, Kraków District). Currently, living and working in Kraków where he continues to work on paintings, murals, and drawings.